equipping hour

The purpose of Equipping Hour is to provide tools for your daily life in Christ! 

Our goal is to provide tools to meet the needs of various ages and life stages of the Christ Costa Mesa community. This includes expanding these opportunities beyond Sunday mornings to anytime during the week.

Topics may include Christian parenting, preparing for marriage, financial peace, local and global missions workshops, or more! 

Equipping Hour classes are...

  • Inclusive and hospitable to all people
  • Biblically-based classes that align with LCMS doctrine
  • Facilitated by leaders who guide engaging conversation 
  • Practical by providing clear tools for life application


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The Equipping Hour Team

  • Anne Debie
  • Kathy Carrick
  • Nancy Kuhlman

The Equipping Hour team meets on a monthly basis to coordinate, plan and evaluate current classes available. On Sundays, you will see an "Equipping Hour table" in the Plaza, stop by after worship services to share your thoughts on a suggestion card or complete the online form below.

Complete the online suggestion form below to share your suggestions as our team prepares for future opportunities.

If you have considerations for the team, please submit the online suggestion form.

Online suggestion form

C O M M U N I O N    P A R T I C I P A T I O N
D U R I N G    L I V E    S T R E A M    W O R S H I P 

Christ Costa Mesa provides worship options so that individuals may make the best choice for themselves and their families.  We value all forms of worship with you!

Your board of elders has prepared a way to offer participation in the Lord’s Supper during our livestream Sunday worship services. As the life-saving Gospel of Jesus has been proclaimed through His Word, and received, via streaming videos many times already, we desire the body and blood of Jesus to enter our homes as well.  

WATCH COMMUNION instruction video

The Lord’s Supper will be received according to the same schedule we have for in-person worship. The 8am service will receive communion on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays. The 10:30am service will receive communion on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays.
When you are preparing to worship in your home, set aside some simple bread and wine (or grape juice). I recommend setting these elements close to you in a fashion that may even replicate being placed on an altar. At the appropriate time in worship, a pastor will ask you to place the elements in front of you while he pronounces the Words of Institution, thereby consecrating the elements. Then you will be instructed to receive the Lord’s meal. 
As always, we desire to receive the Lord’s Supper in communion with those who believe that Jesus is the Savior of the world; desire to receive forgiveness of sins; and believe fully that the real presence of Jesus is found in, with, and under the bread and the wine. For those who do not share this belief, we ask to abstain from participating in the meal. If, however, they have any questions, the pastors at Christ would be happy to have conversation. 
The Lord’s Supper is a sacrament of Christ Jesus, offered for the forgiveness of sins, for those who believe, and should be acknowledged as a holy meal. Therefore, this sacrament should not be received irreverently nor lightly. The elements that are necessary are bread and wine (or grape juice). Please DO NOT attempt to use anything but those elements, as these are the elements intended by Jesus for this meal. Nope, Coca Cola will not be a good choice, neither will your macchiato or protein shake. And while it may be tempting to use a donut or coffee cake, please use simple bread only. A helpful video will be sent out on Friday, demonstrating how to participate in communion in your homes.  Looking forward to all of our worship experiences together, knowing that Jesus continues to call His people together, whether in person, or online. Thanks be to God for the technology that unites us.Â